Hello guys!!!!
Today everybody knows about graphics card and what it is used for, but very few of us really know how it works. I am writing this blog so that every single person who is reading this, can understand how sophisticated it really is.                                                             .                     
The images you see on your display are made up of millions of pixels. The computer has to decide what to do with every pixel in order to create an image. To do such process, it needs a translator that takes binary data from the CPU and turn it into an image visible to us. Unless the computer has built in graphics capability, this translation takes place in the graphics card.
A graphics card’s job is complex, but its principles and components are easy to understand. In this blog, we will look at the basic parts of a graphics card and what they do.


Graphics card is a printed circuit board that has its own processor and RAM with an input/output system chip that stores each and every settings of the graphics card on a memory unit. Processor of a graphics card known as the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), is just like a computers CPU. GPU is designed carefully and specifically to perform complex mathematical and geometrical calculations that are necessary of graphics rendering. Some of the fastest GPUs have more number of transistors than the average CPU. Due to all these processes GPU gets heated up, therefore it is placed under a fan to make it cool.

In order to use its processing power, GPU needs some special type of programs that helps the GPU to analyze and use data. ATI, NVidia, and AMD are the companies who are designing GPUs and have developed their own enhancements for the better performance of their GPUs. To improve the image quality they use Full Scene Anti-Aliasing (FSAA), which smoothers the edge of 3-D objects and Anisotropic Filtering (AF), which makes image look crispier.
As soon as the GPU creates the images, it need something to hold information and the created image. It uses the graphics card’s RAM for this purpose. Part of the RAM can also be utilized as a frame buffer, which holds complete image until it is time to display them. Usually video RAM operates at very high speed and it is dual ported, so that the system can read from it and write on it at the same time.

    The RAM is directly connected to the digital-to-analog converter, which is called the DAC or RAMDAC, translates the image into an analog signal that the display can use. Some graphics cards have multiple RAMDACs, so that it can support more than one displays.

The RAMDAC sends the complete picture to the display through a cable. This is how a graphics card works.

Ill be back with some awesome new information, so stay tuned!!!


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