China moving ahead in satellite communication

Hey guys!! 
How are you all??
Here again I  am with the new topic
China launches it's first fully overseas satellite ground station near north pole

Guys firstly before I should this topic you should no what  a satellite is.

In a communications context, a satellite is a specialized wireless  receiver that is launched by a rocket and placed in orbit around the earth. There are hundreds of satellites currently in operation. They are used for such diverse purposes as weather forecasting, television broadcast,  radio communications, Internet communications, and GPS
Now we can start with the topic...

China launched its own first fully overseas satellite near north pole on Thursday.The facility, that is in Sweden is around 200km in north of the Arctic Circle and would allow China to collect satellite data from anywhere on the Earth at that speed  that were more fast as it was before , it was said by Chinese Academy of Sciences  the academic governing body that built and runs the station.

Construction of the China Remote Sensing Satellite North Pole Ground Station:-

 The construction  stared two years ago at Kiruna's Esrange Space Centre, the worlds largest civil ground station for satellites.
China  built ground satellite facilities in numerous foreign countries, mostly in Africa and South America, which are all joint ventures. As well as in 2011 China's acquisition of a ground satellite station in Dongara, Australia – a close  sparked serious concerns in the White House because it was in the same place as sensitive facilities used by the US military and Nasa for its space programmes. The operation of the station is believed to have been halted after protests from the US.

A Beijing space Scientist said  own  overseas ground station in Sweden would give China much greater freedom and security to operate its space projects.
Prof. Liao Mingsheng (Satellite radar expert at Wuhan University)said its remote location and very much cold environment will cause big challenges for the satellite dish and other peripherals, which required extra insulation and protection from the elements to ensure they continued to work efficiently.

1) New things with new facility  would play an important role in China Gaofen project  an network of observation satellites orbiting the Earth to provide global surveillance capabilities – which in not completed yet but it will complete up-to 2020.
  2) The Domestic ground stations  would be working up-to seven hours to download  all data from satellites orbiting the Earth before, but the facility in Sweden meant the maximum delay for downloading data would be less than 3.5 hours.
Thank you all 
These is all for today ..

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