Skill INDIA: Killing unemployment in India

India ranks 96th in unemployment index among 208 nation with an unemployment rate of 8.40 according to a survey conducted by Interestingly, the above figure is quite an improvement from what it were a few years back. The recorded highest unemployment rate in India was in 2009 with 9.40%. This was the time when recession hits the global market and many major companies cuts off their employees and even more, small scale industries lost their names during that recession upset.

The prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, along with many new campaign to uplift india globally, launched a campaign, "Skill India".
On 15 July 2015, Narendra Modi launched the campaign aiming to train almost 40 crore Indians by 2022. Striving more on youth, the Skill India is for everyone who punctuate skill above their regular jobs.

These camapign includes various initiatives to cope up with the whole idea of Skill India mission. The initiatives are:
1. National skill development mission
2. National policy for skill development and entrepreneurship
3. Pradhan mantri kaushal vikas yojana (PMKVY)
4. Skill lona scheme
5. Rural India skill

Modi was much appreciated globally for bringing up Skill on the table rather than customary 'jobs-providing' strategy. Modi during the launch of the campaign incites the youth to skill up their potential saying, "The youth in India is very talented and have all what it takes to make themselves and India great." He further added, "A skilled nation, always have more rooms to develop itself. So, instead of providing job, my aim is to make the youth creating jobs". Modi was applauded many times during his speech. With Skill India any many more campaigns to uplift India, Narendra Modi got himself on TIMES magazine as "The person of the year".

Many international companies saw Skill India as a great platform to face lift their own value globally. French government and Schneider electric already tied-up in o>der to support under p
leged youth. Many UK companies come forward to get along with Skill India saying it would be beneficial for us, the employees and for all the people who gets the service. In the 2016 edition of Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit almost 20 big companies signed the MoU to support Skill India development.

Personally, I am yet to get benefited as I haven't registered on Skill India. But, i will surely get on board. Anyone who is interested can get themselves registered on You can access all the information about Skill India from the given website. Will be glad to see some comments regarding your experience.. And don't forget to follow us on:

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